CHAPTER 14. TRAFFICCHAPTER 14. TRAFFIC\Article 6. Emergency Access Routes

Whenever life, limb and/or property of a private citizen is threatened, it shall be permissible to operate a motor vehicle on an emergency route. It shall be unlawful:

(a)   To operate a vehicle on any street, road or lane designated an emergency route in 14-603 of this Article, except whenever life, limb and/or property of a private citizen is threatened.

(b)   To park a vehicle on any street, road or lane designated an emergency route in 14-603

(c)   To operate a vehicle during time of an emergency as declared by the Mayor, City Manager, Director of Public Safety, or designated representatives of these offices, on designated emergency route.

(Ord. 1648, Sec. 2; Code 2010)

Removal of Parked Vehicles. All vehicles, not operated by City employees or designated representatives of the City, parked on emergency routes shall be removed by the Department of Public Safety, to an impound facility and vehicle may not be recovered until impound fees have been paid.

(Ord. 1648, Sec. 3; Code 2010)

The following streets are hereby established as emergency routes within the City;

(a)   Grove Street from the Water Plant North.

(Ord. 1648, Sec. 4; Code 2010)

Any operator of a vehicle who shall violate the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, he fined in an amount not to exceed fifty ($50.00) dollars.

(Ord. 1648, Sec. 5; Code 2010)