The code known as the International Plumbing Code, 2003 Edition, recommended by the International Code Council, Incorporated, is hereby incorporated by reference herein and made a part of this article, save and except such portions as are hereinafter or may hereafter be deleted or amended, as authorized and in the manner prescribed by the statutes of the State of Kansas.

(Ord. 1868, Sec. C; Code 2010)

The International Plumbing Code, incorporated by reference in section 4-401 herein shall have the following additions:

(a)   Section 106.5.2 Fee Schedule shall have the following added to the end of the section, “See the International Building Code, Section 108.2.2.”

(b)   Section 108.4 Violation Penalties shall have the following added to the end of the section, “See the International Building Code, Section 113.4.1.”

(c)   Section 109.1 Appeals board. Add “See the International Building Code, Section 112 Appeals Board.”

(d)   Section 107.1.4 All mobile home and manufactured home units moved into the City of Augusta shall require a gas connection inspection. The mobile and manufactured home unit’s internal gas piping shall be tested according to the provisions set forth in the International Fuel Gas Code, 2000 Edition.

(e)   Section 608.8 LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEMS. All lawn sprinkler systems receiving potable water from the City or receiving non-potable water from a private well shall be protected against back flow by the installation of an approved pressure-vacuum breaker installed a minimum of 12 inches above the highest point on the lawn sprinkler system and before any branch lines.

Section 608.8.1 TESTING. All new lawn sprinkler systems shall have the pressure-vacuum breaker tested before the system is approved by the Inspection Department. All existing back flow prevention devices, including pressure-vacuum breakers shall be tested annually. All test results shall be documented on an official form provided by the Inspection Department. The Inspection Department shall maintain all testing records in the Address Folder File.

(f)   Section 701.1.2 SEWER LINE ELEVATIONS. All basement drain piping shall have a minimum five (5) foot fall (elevation) between the bottom of the lowest drain piping to the top of the main sewer line. Where this condition cannot be met, the installation of an approved sewer ejector with check valve is mandatory. Manual shut-off valves or backflow prevention valves are not considered a substitute for the required sewer ejector.

Section 701.1.3 SEWER TAPS. All sewer taps shall be made with an approved saddle and clamps or epoxy bonding and concrete back fill.

(g)   Section 917.1 GENERAL. Add to the end of the section, “Permission shall be required from the Inspection Department and noted on the Plumbing Permit.”

(Ord. 1820; Code 2010)

The International Plumbing Code, 2003 Edition, shall have the following deletions:

(a)   Section 109.2 Membership of board, Section 109.2.1 Qualifications, Section 109.2.2 Alternate members, and Section 109.2.3 Chairman shall be deleted in their entirety.

(b)   Section 605.4 Water service pipe. Delete the sentence, “Plastic water service piping shall terminate within 5 feet (1524mm) inside the point of entry into a building.”

(c)   Section 606.2 Location of shutoff valves. Delete item #2 in it’s entirety.

(Ord. 1820; Code 2010)

The International Plumbing Code, 2003 Edition, shall have the following amendments:

(a)   Section 305.5 Pipes through or under footings or foundation walls. The last sentence in the section shall be amended to read “Such sleeve shall be 1/2 pipe size greater than the pipe passing through the wall.”

(b)   Section 606.1 Location of full-open valves. Amend Item #2 to read, “On the discharge side of every water meter larger than one-inch.”

(c)   Section 904.1 Roof extensions. Amend to read twelve (12) inches.

(Ord. 1820; Code 2010)