The area known as Santa Fe Lake and Park containing 418 acres and consisting of Sections 11, 12 and 13, Township 27, Range 3 East, Butler County, Kansas and is part of the city park system.
(Ord. 1575; Code 1991, 11-201)
All persons entering Santa Fe Lake park and facilities will obtain a recreation permit from an authorized representative of the City. The recreation permit shall allow an individual or family to utilize the facilities for recreational activities except boating and camping, which shall require a separate permit. Upon purchase of recreation permits a decal will be furnished to use as identification to enter the park area. Additional decals for extra family vehicles or lost decals can be purchased. Entry into Santa Fe Lake property shall be prohibited between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. without a valid Santa Fe Lake camping permit.
(Ord. 1620, Sec. 1; Code 2010; Ord. 2148; Code 2020)
Permits will be issued only to boats that display and present a valid state registration as required by the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism or other states. Santa Fe Lake users shall comply with boat safety requirements as promulgated by state agencies and as applies to state lakes. All two-stroke and four-stroke personal watercraft shall be prohibited from Santa Fe Lake.
(Ord. 1620, Sec. 1; Code 2010; Ord. 2148; Code 2020; Ord. 2174)
The entire lake shall be designated as a No-Wake Zone. A speed limit of five (5) miles per hour shall be in effect for all boats operating at all hours at all parts of the lake.
(Ord. 1575; Code 1991, 11-204; Ord. 2148; Code 2020; Ord. 2174)
The city manager and park caretaker shall have the right to revoke all privileges for any person, group or organization for violation of ordinances, rules or regulations of the city.
(Ord. 1575; Code 1991, 11-205)
Special events will be allowed and are encouraged. All special events must be approved by the city manager in writing.
(Ord. 1575; Code 1991, 11-206)
Swimming shall only be permitted in Santa Fe Lake in such areas and times as are specifically posted.
(Ord. 1575; Code 1991, 11-207; Code 2010; Ord. 2174)